Homepage - News - Lightronics celebrates its 75th anniversary
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Lightronics celebrates its 75th anniversary

28 September 2021

Lightronics exists 75 years. Once started as manufacturer of underground cable clamps, 75 years later manufacturer of sustainable lighting solutions. A history we are proud of!

After 75 years we can look back on a rich history that takes us back to 1946, the year when the company Hogro was founded by two friends. Hogro was a combination of the names of the founders, Horvers and de Groot. In 2000, the name Lightronics was chosen, which better fits the expertise of the company: light and electronics. Hogro, however, continued to exist as a brand name.

In 2021, Lightronics has grown into a company with about 100 employees who work daily on sustainable lighting solutions. It makes us proud that in our 75 years of existence, we have become a leading supplier of lighting solutions and occupy a top 3 position in the Dutch lighting market. Last Friday we therefore toasted with the Lightronics Team on our anniversary. The anniversary party will be linked to the opening of our new building next year.

We would like to thank you for your trust in us and we hope to let you experience the Power of Light for many years to come.

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